You can only carry one when on the run or standing a post.
The go to primary weapon system that we believe is the overall best for SHTF/TEOTWAWKI/WROL/APOCALYPSE and having owned many BRs, ARs, rifles, pistols, revolvers; the combat pump action shotgun is our primary weapons system. It has been for decades and find it to be the best overall weapons system for a prepper/survivalist/sheep warrior.

• Ease of use
• Reliability - Based on over 100 years of development.
• Availability of a wide range of ammunition - From bird shot, buckshot, slug, flechette and sabot, to specialty ammo from non lethal to very exotic along with low recoil to magnum power rounds making a single weapons platform a definite force multiplier. This system can even be a launcher with blank rounds to launch a grappling hook or other ordinance.
Your personal load-out should have a few of each dictated by your own personal intelligence of the situation at hand. An ammo load-out is about a total of 25 to 50 rounds depending on your capabilities of weight management. Use of a tactical vest or equivalent to carry a load-out of shot shell carrier card for ease of acquisition extra shot shells is critical.
• Ammunition reloading components are widely available and easy enough to even reload with basic tools by hand in the field if necessary.
• Firepower!
• Tough!
• Accessories - User customization with accessories including easy barrel change outs, choke systems, light systems, sight systems, carry systems, ammunition holders, hardware and adjustable furniture configurations.
A combat pump shotgun in a survival situation is the ultimate hunting system for the survivalist from small game to the largest North American game such as elk, moose and even big bears.
The combat pump shotgun is a one man army weapons system; in a SHTF scenario you can only handle one weapon system at a time. The combat pump shotgun with its ability to handle and cycle such a wide diverse ammunition loads, fulfills every need that you may face that requires a firearm!
In a survival situation it is unrivaled. For defense, security, engage close quarter targets to engaging targets up to 300 yards. (For those who doubt the long range capability check video below. Smooth bore common 12 gauge foster slug. It is impressive)
In a bug out situation,* the combat pump shotgun is my go to weapon system with the knowledge of the aforementioned it is a weapon system that I know I can deal with any situation requiring the need of a firearm.
Remember, preserve life, defend the weak and helpless. Love your countrymen!
*This is a last resort. Bugging out after the SHTF is precarious and extremely challenging. It is best to have planned routes to a secured locations that is a primary, secondary and tertiary with caches along the way. Belonging to a like minded group when on the move each with their own particular training and skills is also a major plus.
A full load-out of 12 gauge ammo is heavy; (This goes for any preference of weapon system as well as other supplies) 100 rounds of 2.75 inch 9 pellet 00 buck, just under 10 pounds equivalent to 10 mags of .223/5.56mm respectively . It is already known, that many will talk about the possibility of engaging in a firefight, but remember the majority of ammo expended in such a scenario is suppression. To which, 100 rounds of 00 buck is 900 projectiles of .33 caliber 53 grain shot within a typical 100 yard range of contact engagement suppression compared to just 300 projectiles with a heavy load-out of .223/5.56mm.
I would rather have a semi-auto shotgun when my life comes down to it. point and shoot!
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with a good autoloader, especially with a good selection of high quality ammunition that will feed and extract consistently. I personally have interest in looking at the FNH SLP.